Monday, December 21, 2015


Living a prosperous life is so much more than trying to make and keep a lot of money. Allowing money to flow into your life while letting go of old views of money as being bad and "not spiritual" is one aspect of prosperity. Over the years of practicing this I have experienced more of a flow. There was a time when I was steeped in debt and my expenses exceeded my income. Suddenly I lost 2 sources of income and I felt there was no choice at that point other than to sell my home. I did have equity and it covered all of the debt and there was still money left over to purchase something more practical. But I "lost" my home. I did have equity but I gave up the home where I raised my sons as a single mother and they lost their home too. Over the years I've often wondered if I did the right thing or not but it's a moot point because I relocated to a new state and I started over. My decision had it's negative consequences but there many positive sides to that decision as well, like I became debt free and swore to never go into debt again. So far, I've kept that promise to myself.

But "True Prosperity" is and is not about money. Let me suggest these books to you.
True Prosperity by Shakti Gawain :

and Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by Harve Eker:

Aren't we really seeking happiness and contentment but going about it in all the wrong ways? We think being thin will make us happy or that finding just the right partner will make us feel loved. We think that wealth is going to take away that empty sadness inside. As I've allowed for more money to flow into my life, I have found that it can bring peace and enjoyment and some pleasure but that it does not fill deeper wounds. Spirituality is the key to healing. Having your own spiritual connection that only you can define is so important.

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About Debbie Simon

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Avon, CT, United States
I am a seasoned psychotherapist who has been on a spiritual journey. I believe in the intersection of spirituality and psychotherapy. The field of psychotherapy is rapidly changing and I am part of this change. The old traditional ways don't work anymore. I also do health coaching and have worked for programs at AETNA and ABILTO as a coach.