Monday, August 23, 2010


This blog has been about different things over the years and recently I have not made too many additions to it. I still seem to have a steady flow of readers and I'm sorry that I haven't been writing consistently. I'm going to stay within one topic on this blog. The topic is "Creating Prosperity with Visualization".

I have noticed, since zeroing my work in on "just" prosperity, that people have strong, (and not always positive) reactions to this line of work. Prosperity triggers a lot of emotion in people. We all have issues around money and allowing ourselves to have what we want. The fact is that money is necessary for the basics in life. Money is necessary to have to support ourselves and to support those who truly need our help, like our kids. "A dollar bill", says Louise Haye, is just as spiritual as anything else (I don't remember the exact quote).

I will keep the focus in this blog on just that. Using visualizations to create prosperity. I notice that when I work with people something happens for them right away but then they get scared and they walk away. They abandon that part of themselves that felt entitled to have all that they desire. They convince themselves that they never really wanted it and that they didn't really receive anything in the session or the workshop. It seems to be part of the process.

It takes courage to do this work and to keep going back to basic principles that attract abundance to us. The natural tendency, I have observed time and again, is to talk ourselves out of having what we know we really want.

The hardest part is to not walk away from it. The hardest part is to identify those voices that keep telling us that this doesn't matter. Those voices override the healthier new habits we acquire every time. If we know that going in then we can be prepared when it happens. We can address those voices and say "I know what and who you are. You're the voices from the past that have always held me back. You are the voices that keep telling me that I'm not worthy of having it all. So now that I know who you are, I won't be tricked by you, yet again. I'm going to ignore you and I'm going to keep doing the work that is attracting all this good into my life".

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About Debbie Simon

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Avon, CT, United States
I am a seasoned psychotherapist who has been on a spiritual journey. I believe in the intersection of spirituality and psychotherapy. The field of psychotherapy is rapidly changing and I am part of this change. The old traditional ways don't work anymore. I also do health coaching and have worked for programs at AETNA and ABILTO as a coach.