Friday, June 11, 2010


We have a thought. That thought creates energy that then attracts what we wanted to us. It makes its journey to us immediately. Then our blockers come up. What are blockers? Counter thoughts. Subconscious thoughts, beliefs that tell us that we don't deserve what we just asked for. Reasons why we really don't want it. Negative thoughts that act as blockers.

Imagine a karate block. Your arm goes up and stops whatever was coming at you. When we wish for something it flows toward us and then we block it. Or it shows up and we ignore it. If something comes easily we rationalize that it was "too easy". There must be a catch. When something is hard and complicated and fraught with tension, like a relationship or a job, it is familiar so we think it is meant to be when the opposite is true. That which is easy is meant to be.

It's important to know what those counter thoughts are so we can hear them when they come up and we can recognize them when they walk into the room. Stuffing them down, yelling at them, ignoring them and judging them isn't going to work. Recognize them for what they are. They are just thoughts! We learned them from our past and we don't have to keep thinking them. The more we become aware of our negative beliefs the more conscious we become of everyone else's.

That's why if you ask for opinions and thoughts from others...that is what you will get. Their negative beliefs! Negative belief systems give us choices. We can choose to follow them blindly or we can change our direction. That is the conscious part of creating our own reality.

Many of us have grown up with a belief system around aging. We believe certain things will happen with age because of what we've seen, read and heard. Why not challenge that by changing your behavior now? We know that certain actions, like eating organically, exercising and reducing stress will not only slow down the aging process but will give us many more years of good health as we age. It's merely a change in the way we think. If we keep holding a picture of ourselves as "old", then we will continue to move in that direction. Instead, hold a picture of yourself as "healthy" and see what changes start to occur.
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About Debbie Simon

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Avon, CT, United States
I am a seasoned psychotherapist who has been on a spiritual journey. I believe in the intersection of spirituality and psychotherapy. The field of psychotherapy is rapidly changing and I am part of this change. The old traditional ways don't work anymore. I also do health coaching and have worked for programs at AETNA and ABILTO as a coach.