Sunday, April 18, 2010


The dictionary definition of Metamorphosis is:

1. Biology
a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly.Compare complete metamorphosis.

a complete change of form, structure, or substance, as transformation by magic or witchcraft.
any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, etc.
a form resulting from any such change.

end dictionary definition.

The process that we go through can be as difficult and complex as the development of the fetus and the birth process itself.

Observe successful people. They often don't have any more talent for the thing they are doing than those in the same area who don't succeed. In fact, sometimes they have less.

What they do have is a strong
desire to create their vision, goal or desire.They approach it like a science and they all follow these steps:

  1. they work methodically and steadily on a daily basis no matter what.
  2. they develop their craft from the smallest beginnings to the most advanced levels no matter how boring or mundane it may become.
  3. they accept that frustration and disappointment are part of the process and they are not sidetracked by the rolling rocks that fall in the way
  4. they never lose site of the finished product
That is why it is so important to pick something that you really want and can feel this motivated about. If you apply these steps to any one of your desires you will fully complete the cycle of metamorphosis.

It's so rare to find something that you can feel this passionate about, but when you do, don't throw it away midstream.

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About Debbie Simon

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Avon, CT, United States
I am a seasoned psychotherapist who has been on a spiritual journey. I believe in the intersection of spirituality and psychotherapy. The field of psychotherapy is rapidly changing and I am part of this change. The old traditional ways don't work anymore. I also do health coaching and have worked for programs at AETNA and ABILTO as a coach.