Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Visualization to Get Balanced

These days it seems that everyone is struggling to get back on track. We hear hard luck stories on the news or live those stories ourselves. It's hard to stay balanced right now.
In my ebook I teach how to do get into a state of relaxation in order to move into a visualization. I also teach "inner child" work through a story. You might want to check it out at www.visualprosperity.com/ebook

Loss of balance occurs when we aren't centered. Seems obvious but it can be subtle before we know that we are out of balance. Our bodies don't feel right, we aren't "ourselves".

For a quick technique to gain some balance begin by breathing deeply from head to toe a few times, either standing or sitting. Imagine that you are a glass and you're filling the glass with water. The water starts at your toes and fills your body with a warm glow.

If you're standing, close your eyes and lightly test your balance on each foot and then find your center. Pressing your hands into prayer position and holding them at the heart center can help with your balance. Now imagine a light rod going down through the top of your head and straigth through your body, perfectly centered. The rod shoots into the ground and holds you steady. You can't be pushed over. You can't be thrown off course. Practice this simple technique to regain your focus and to feel balanced. If you want to do it sitting down, close your eyes and picture yourself in that pose.

Become aware of your early warning signs. Catch these symptoms early so that you can respond to what your body needs. Becoming too tired, or too hungry or too deprived creates distress in your body, mind and soul. Distress leads to disease. Before your health is compromised, notice what is going on inside of you and any warning signs that you might get in your dreams as well or during contemplation/meditation.
Imagine two things. One is that the roots from the earth are coming up through the soles of your feet holding you steady on the earth. The other is that a heavenly energy is coming from above and through the top of your head. Keep practicing this while continually working on your alignment. Notice whether your abdomen is forced forward by a curved spine and then straighten it out. Make sure your weight is in the center of both feet and that you have your balance. If someone were to push you over, could they?

When you're ready place one or both hands onto your heart center which is in the middle of the chest. This is to find serenity and renew your inner connection. You will now be able to listen to your inner guidance. 1. Get centered 2. Get balanced 3. align your posture 4. visualize roots from the ground and an energy of healing and love coming through the top of your head.

Ask the question "what do I need to do next to become more balanced and prosperous?" Listen for the answer and when it comes, write it down.


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About Debbie Simon

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Avon, CT, United States
I am a seasoned psychotherapist who has been on a spiritual journey. I believe in the intersection of spirituality and psychotherapy. The field of psychotherapy is rapidly changing and I am part of this change. The old traditional ways don't work anymore. I also do health coaching and have worked for programs at AETNA and ABILTO as a coach.