Saturday, August 15, 2009


We can't really have inner peace without clarity and we can't gain clarity without coming from a peaceful place within ourselves. Some people are unable to create the time to sit in contemplation or to reflect on their lives and on their own behavior in situations. They live in a flurry of activity and create chaos and drama everywhere they go. Clarity comes from a process of going within and then taking actions toward the ideas that come to us during these periods of reflection. If we are unable to be quiet and still and look for our center and listen to our inner guidance, then we will never have peace or clarity.

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About Debbie Simon

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Avon, CT, United States
I am a seasoned psychotherapist who has been on a spiritual journey. I believe in the intersection of spirituality and psychotherapy. The field of psychotherapy is rapidly changing and I am part of this change. The old traditional ways don't work anymore. I also do health coaching and have worked for programs at AETNA and ABILTO as a coach.