Sunday, July 12, 2009


How Does Visualization Work?

Visualization goes beyond imagination. That is a hard concept for some to grasp. Suppose for a moment that we knew for a fact that when we "imagine" an inner healing center, we aren't just imagining it but we are actually visiting a place that exists on another plane of existence.

Imagine that some of the dreams that you have when you sleep are real. Perhaps you had a conversation with a friend in a dream, and the content was fuzzy but the location was clear. Lets suppose for now, that that conversation had really occurred on some level other than "here". What if your friend then told you that they had spoken with you in a dream and as you put the pieces together you found out that your dreams matched.

If certain places or themes keep showing up in your dreams, what do you think they are telling you? You might be the best interpreter of your own dreams. I have a recurring dream that I am riding a bicycle throughout the city and have forgotten to bring a lock. I arrive at places where I need to bring my bike inside so it won't be stolen. My interpretation of this is that I am being warned of leaving myself wide open and vulnerable. The dream crops up every now and then. Sometimes years will pass between the dreams but they come back when they are relevant to certain events that are going on right now.

If you continue with these concepts and take them a step further, think of how you could apply this to your own life in order to create a life that is better, more successful and more fulfilling. There is so much inner help available to us that we don't access. We hear stories of help coming at just the right moment and miraculous occurrences but unless you experience that first hand, you might continue to be skeptical. It doesn't matter if you believe any of this but it would be useful to proceed as though it were all true.

The inner guidance that we all have access to is a pot of gold. If you sit or lie still and ask for an answer to a question such as "what doctor should I go to for this medical problem?" Or "how do I deal with this issue my child is having?" Or, "how will I know when I find the home that I will like and be happy in and where is it?"

These are everyday, ordinary questions that all of us have in some form. Imagine now that you ask a question and then close your eyes and wait. Don't create the answer yourself but allow yourself to be led to it. Become familiar with your body's responses to correct answers. You have a "yes" and a "no" inside of you. We feel them in different ways. Sometimes it's impossible to describe but we know what a "gut feeling is" and how it feels in our bodies. After answers come or suggestions are made to check something out or ask a particular person for help, the rest is up to you. Nothing gets handed to us without at least some foot work on our part. We can look back at various outcomes in our life and say "I was led to that place or person or job".

Follow your intuition and inner guidance in order to go in the right direction. Going in the right direction is more satisfying than getting to the destination. One example is wondering what foods you can and cannot eat. This changes over our lifetime. The way you ate 10 years ago doesn't work for you anymore and you might want to know how you should be eating now. Listen inwardly and also integrate all of the information that you are getting outside. These two things combined will give you your answers. You might not follow them all the time, but you will probably make some improvements that will help your health and vitality.

Pictures are being shown to us all the time. Become more aware of them when they appear. Visualizations are the gifts from the inner worlds helping us to bring them out here into the open. Many buildings and paintings were created based on an image that was seen by the person unconsciously.

We want to make the unconscious, conscious. We want to become conscious beings instead of hiding from the truth. That takes a lot of courage. It means always walking against or ahead of the pack. It means not being a blind follower or taking everything at face value. It requires analyzing the facts and making decisions on your own, not the kinds of decisions everyone makes because everyone makes them. Being your own person is one of the hardest ways to exist in this world. Caring how others react to your ideas will slow you down. You have to know what's right for you and no one else can tell you without polluting their advice with their own perspectives on life.

You have a private world between the outer you and the inner you. No one else can go there. Use these techniques for good. Use them to help yourself and not to change the course of another person's life. Use them to get the answers to your problems. You will feel less despair and you won't ever get lost.

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Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist

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About Debbie Simon

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Avon, CT, United States
I am a seasoned psychotherapist who has been on a spiritual journey. I believe in the intersection of spirituality and psychotherapy. The field of psychotherapy is rapidly changing and I am part of this change. The old traditional ways don't work anymore. I also do health coaching and have worked for programs at AETNA and ABILTO as a coach.