Tuesday, May 5, 2009


In today's economic crisis we need to ask ourselves the question "what is true prosperity?". I know that half the readers just stopped reading. Those who have stayed are not looking for the quick fix and the get rich now and the dream your biggest dream ever schemes. I have had my share of those, too. This is for those who seek spiritual truth, not material enormity.

There is so much available to us spiritually. It's there for the taking and only a small percentage of people are open to that or seek that. "Spirituality" means a variety of things to people but whatever it means to you - that is the correct definition. That's the problem. We try to define another person's spirituality. Spiritual Freedom is allowing others to believe whatever they want to believe.

How many children are raised in homes where they don't agree with their parent's belief, or the opposite, they don't question those beliefs and just follow along without ever asking themselves "What is my truth? What do I believe?". My two sons have both gone 360 degrees away from my beliefs, but I would never force them to follow a path that doesn't resonate with them. My path is not their path. I've always given them that kind of space. This has allowed them to become themselves rather than who I would want them to be. As long as they have faith and a belief in God or some concept of what that means, I'm happy. As long as they treat others with respect and also practice self love and self care, I'm happy.

Life doles out many problems and difficulties. Faith provides the answers for why these things happen. When your Faith stops doing that, it's time to look elsewhere. There are paths that provide the answers. There are principals to live by and not only feel good about ourselves and our contributions to life, but also get along with those who have different beliefs.

The truth about prosperity is that Truth IS Prosperity

Learn more at www.visualprosperity.com
Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist and Visual Guide

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About Debbie Simon

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Avon, CT, United States
I am a seasoned psychotherapist who has been on a spiritual journey. I believe in the intersection of spirituality and psychotherapy. The field of psychotherapy is rapidly changing and I am part of this change. The old traditional ways don't work anymore. I also do health coaching and have worked for programs at AETNA and ABILTO as a coach.