Sunday, January 4, 2009

Nurturing Our Spirit

This year, my main focus is to nurture my spirit. What does that really mean? I mean what is a spirit anyway? We all kind of know what I'm talking about but can anyone define it? I know how to nurture my spirit and you know what nurtures your spirit, but how often do we make that a priority?

I know that when the spirit dies the body follows. I experienced that years ago and found renewal through various healing modalities. My "spirit" emerged and I remembered who I was. Who I had been; the part that was lost.

For 2009, there is only one thing that I want. I will focus on polishing, purifying and renewing my spirit.

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About Debbie Simon

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Avon, CT, United States
I am a seasoned psychotherapist who has been on a spiritual journey. I believe in the intersection of spirituality and psychotherapy. The field of psychotherapy is rapidly changing and I am part of this change. The old traditional ways don't work anymore. I also do health coaching and have worked for programs at AETNA and ABILTO as a coach.