Friday, April 1, 2016


This is directed toward the over 55 years old set and also those coaches, trainers, providers and guides who work with them. Don't forget us! We dream too. I have noticed on the wonderful podcasts that I listen to, that many are directed toward a young audience. Sometimes a young speaker will speak on a topic that they think they have discovered as "new" such as body image issues, body awareness, healthy eating, etc Actually those topics have been hot for decades. There is an untapped resource for all of you out there. The over 55 set that still dreams of a better life. In fact, we have wisdom and we are knowledgeable beyond belief and I feel that many of us have been undervalued and have fallen to silence in young crowds.

When I had stage 1 breast cancer, I attended Live Strong, a free workout program at the Y for anyone going through breast cancer treatment. The young director had over come lymphoma at a young age so she was a great person to lead this program. She said "research shows that people with cancer have dreams and goals and care about their weight and fitness as well.". This is very true. Cancer often doesn't = death anymore. In fact, when you get a cancer diagnosis you are more motivated than ever to reach your goals in many cases.

My point is, for all the coaches, etc that read my blog, there is a whole world out there of over 55's that are really intelligent, interesting people who actually have a lot to teach you! Yes you! This is a financially stable group that still wants to learn, grow and reach the highest heights. It's your job to help us stay motivated and to help us feel that we have value in a world that completely devalues us. This is a great untapped resource for you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Many people are asleep. If you're reading this you are probably somewhere along the spectrum of waking up. Being asleep is being in a state of denial. Those who are sleeping don't like to hear the truth. Those who are sleeping let other people around them handle their responsibilities. OR they handle the responsibilities of others who are "asleep at the wheel". Anyone who has attended a 12 step meeting such as AA, NA, OA or ALANON has experienced he process of waking up. Anyone who comes into psychotherapy with a problem that they can no longer deal with alone, is in the process of waking up. Where are you on this spectrum right now? Usually we can pinpoint times in our lives when things fell apart just enough for us to "wake up". That is a painful process. It's like having the bandaid ripped off or worse. I remember when I woke up to the truth about my marriage 23 years ago. It was a pain that is indescribable. After years of trying to make something work that could not and would not, I faced the truth. I would have to get out of that marriage at any cost, even though my children were still babies.

Waking up is facing the truth about your situation. It's admitting what your weight is today by getting on the scale. It's admitting that a loved one has a drug or alcohol problem. It's admitting that your child has a disability that will be lifelong and will not go away. Waking up hurts and it's unpleasant but those who are in a constant sleep state are hiding it with drugs, food, alcohol or any other form of denial. It can be as simple as "walking around in a fog", feeling "confused" all the time or deferring important decisions to others.

Waking up is a process and it usually involves realizing that you cannot handle something all by yourself and that you will need help even if you don't like to ask for help. That is the first step. Look back over your life and identify those times when you were in denial for awhile. How did you wake up? How did you begin the process of healing? What kind of programs or services did you engage in order to get through it with the assistance of others? Did that work? Did that help? It's common to keep a problem to yourself for a long time until you just can't anymore. Many take a step toward waking up and the reality is just too painful so they retreat again. They may just not be ready to handle the pain that goes with it. Everything in it's own time. Be patient with others as they go through their own process with these things is important. Just focus on what it is that you are avoiding instead of trying to wake someone else up. If you find yourself doing that then look in the mirror and ask "What am I avoiding? What do I need to attend to and how?"

Monday, February 22, 2016


There are two kinds of people. Those who live in fear and those who live in love. Many of us toggle between the two states. A fear based person appears to be very cheap and withholding. I say "appears to be" because they really don't usually want to be that way. They come from lack. They have what is called a "poverty consciousness". The core belief is "I will never have enough". And so they count every penny and they worry all the time. They let their minds go down a very dark road of thoughts that say things like "I won't have enough to live on in the future; there are rich people and then there are the rest of us poor folk; I will never make enough money".

Belief systems are the key to prosperity and it is something that you can start working on this minute. The beliefs that you want to incorporate are "there is more than enough for all and there is enough for me; I make good financial decisions; I am able to receive more money; I can keep and manage money well"

Ironically how can you keep your money and also be a generous person? This is a common conflict for many. In those moments when we are feeling especially good and giving we might tend to give too much and later regret it. The reasons behind giving are important. Often gifts of love are really done from obligation and it looks ugly. Our faces are crunched up as we give resentfully.

Rule #1: Don't give unless it is truly from your heart
Rule #2: Maintain a connection that feels spiritual. However you define that for yourself is good enough. NOT religious. Spiritual. If you have no connection then that is where you need to begin.
Rule#3: Check in with yourself when you are feeling generous. If it's truly from a loving place and you are doing it because it makes you feel good to do it and you EXPECT NOTHING IN RETURN, then go ahead and do it.

When I feel conflicted about giving to a cause or preparing food for someone, or doing a favor, I dig deep within and I explore why I am doing this. On the one hand we want to say YES to everything because that means we are seizing opportunities. On the other hand we want to say NO to set some limits and boundaries and to not be used by others for the wrong reasons.

It's complicated. Giving and receiving are complicated. Know yourself and find balance. Learn by making mistakes and make a mental note that "I won't do that again". There is nothing wrong with having a generous heart but the next time you perceive someone as "cheap" then realize that they are coming from fear about their own survival that usually is not based in reality. You may not be able to help them but you can work on your own fears and beliefs. The more you open yourself up to receiving and feeling comfortable with what you have been given, the more you will receive.

Sunday, January 31, 2016


The truest meaning of prosperity is finding a way to turn adversity into a positive. Recently I lost someone who was important to me. It was sudden and unexpected. I had to find a way to not let this bring me down. I did find that way. Since his career was based on health and wellness I took another step toward my own wellness. The irony was, that he had a problem that he wasn't addressing. I wasn't aware that he had that problem. He had fooled everyone but when things came to a head in his life, he couldn't go on. We are all trying to make sense of it, but we also have to look at ourselves and how we can learn from another person's tragedy. Allowing this to set me back just isn't an option.

The same week that he passed away, I also got some unexpected news from my doctor. After recovering from stage one breast cancer, she has detected something on the other side. I really didn't expect that and it might turn out to be nothing as we explore it further. Still, my life might go in 1 of 2 directions. The unknown is always worse than confronting something head on, right away. I wish my friend had. Then he would still be alive.  Choosing life is always the right choice. Don't forget that life is a gift even when it doesn't feel like one. To be alive is really enough.

Monday, December 21, 2015


Living a prosperous life is so much more than trying to make and keep a lot of money. Allowing money to flow into your life while letting go of old views of money as being bad and "not spiritual" is one aspect of prosperity. Over the years of practicing this I have experienced more of a flow. There was a time when I was steeped in debt and my expenses exceeded my income. Suddenly I lost 2 sources of income and I felt there was no choice at that point other than to sell my home. I did have equity and it covered all of the debt and there was still money left over to purchase something more practical. But I "lost" my home. I did have equity but I gave up the home where I raised my sons as a single mother and they lost their home too. Over the years I've often wondered if I did the right thing or not but it's a moot point because I relocated to a new state and I started over. My decision had it's negative consequences but there many positive sides to that decision as well, like I became debt free and swore to never go into debt again. So far, I've kept that promise to myself.

But "True Prosperity" is and is not about money. Let me suggest these books to you.
True Prosperity by Shakti Gawain :

and Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by Harve Eker:

Aren't we really seeking happiness and contentment but going about it in all the wrong ways? We think being thin will make us happy or that finding just the right partner will make us feel loved. We think that wealth is going to take away that empty sadness inside. As I've allowed for more money to flow into my life, I have found that it can bring peace and enjoyment and some pleasure but that it does not fill deeper wounds. Spirituality is the key to healing. Having your own spiritual connection that only you can define is so important.

Saturday, December 19, 2015


One thing life has taught me is that when you make huge changes fast there is a price to pay for that. My life was riddled with sudden stops and turns and throwing away everything to replace it with a better vision of what I wanted. Eventually that way of living wore me down and meant leaving friends behind each time and making new friends. This got harder and harder as time progressed. Then I did it again. I've made visualization, spiritual practice and prosperity principals a regular, daily practice for more than 25 years. Patience will reap benefits I promise you. If you always come back to your practice when sidetracked, without lots of negative self talk for straying off course, then regular, repeat attempts at these techniques will definitely pay off over time. Sometimes when you ask for more you lose what you've got. We ask for a change and then we're surprised when life throws a curve ball that we didn't like in order to respond to our request. In the end we get to that place that we had visualized. When we arrive there it is usually not at all what we expected. It can be exactly what we tried to create but there might be a let down and disappointment after the novelty of it all wears off. Here are some steps you can try to set up realistic plans for the coming year. We have some control over what happens but sometimes the universe has other plans for us.

1. I suggest that prior to New Year's Day you make a few hours for yourself to reflect on where you are. You can  visually picture the details or write it all down. If taking a reflective walk is the best way for you to do this, then do that. DO WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOU. The purpose is to reach a place of acceptance. First accept where you are today. Face the reality of your situation.

2. Next think about, or write down, the things that you are most unhappy with. (common ones are financial, weight, lack of exercise, poor health, unhappy with present relationship(s)).

3. Start with one from this list that you want to focus a lot of attention on. Do your version of meditation. It can be lying down on your bed with your eyes closed and breathe slowly. Whatever you have found is a good way for you to relax, keep it simple and make a daily 10 minute practice of this.

4. With that category on your list, imagine one small way that you can change your daily routine that would have some impact on this problem. If it's your weight, imagine yourself getting on the scale 1x/ week; or using a phone app to log your calories. Pick a small action step that is doable. For finances, picture yourself gaining control. Again, everyone has their own methods, but whatever your method is, see yourself doing that. Use visualization to see yourself taking action steps.

5. Before the end of the year write down a brief paragraph after you have practiced this a few times. See yourself at this time next year having moved forward in all of these areas. BE REALISTIC about what can be accomplished in the months to come in order to avoid arriving at December 2016 in the same place or worse off than you are now. Unexpected things happen in a year, work on being resilient and forgiving of yourself if anything like that happens in this coming year. Expect the best, of course, but also know that you can handle whatever challenges come your way.

Friday, December 18, 2015


It has been many years since I wrote in this blog. I considered creating a new one but I think I have a good foundation here to build on. I am currently a licensed psychotherapist in NY and CT while residing in CT. I have a private practice in CT. I have been a student of the prosperity principles since the late 80s and have been in the mental health field for 30 years. I am also a spiritual seeker and have a very rich spiritual life following beliefs that some might consider to be "off the beaten track". I want to find a way in future posts to share all aspects of myself because I've had such vast experiences in different areas. The posts moving forward will be an attempt to do that. I feel that I have a lot to offer others and my main intention is to be helpful using my experiences and knowledge to reach out to many different kinds of people.  As you get to know me, I hope to also get to know my readers. If you would like to leave a comment or insight please do. Many people responded positively to this blog on Twitter recently and and also when I was writing it, beginning in 2007. Now I feel a strong need to keep going based on the feedback that I've received. I've removed some of the old posts that no longer seem relevant.

Monday, September 20, 2010


 We can't reach our goals unless we make a true personal investment in them. This isn't just a financial investment but the question is, how invested are you in your goal? If you want to be healthy, how far are you willing to go to get healthy? If you have a picture of a future life, what are you going to invest daily to make that life come to fruition?

Why do some people seem to set a goal and reach it while others try a lifetime and make little progress? Study those that you know that always achieve their goals. You will probably notice a few things.

1. They don't let anything interfere with their daily commitment.
2. They get over inevitable hurdles
3. They are invested in reaching the endpoint
4. They keep going no matter what

There are always going to be set backs in life. We can't arrive at our goals unless we know what the destination is (so that we know when we arrive); and move relentlessly toward it. It has to be a meaningful goal that we truly want or we won't be invested in getting there.

phone/voicemail: 860 656 0203
Debbie Simon Prosperity Coaching
Glastonbury, CT 06033

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


If you are a spiritual seeker and like to always work on bettering yourself, then you might feel some level of conflict about having money and having things for yourself. I have had some very spiritual people come to me for help, only to learn that they are looking for a magician instead. Having prosperity in one's life requires a high level of self responsibility. It means going into the depths of ones being and looking at what is hidden there. It means taking 100% responsibility for all of your actions from looking at the food you eat to the way you spend your waking hours, minute by minute.

Taking responsibility for everything (and I mean everything) we put in our bodies means taking responsibility for our health, energy and well being. It's impossible to have a prosperous life without energy and a zest for life. The foods we eat and the drugs and alcohol that we put in our bodies will effect our mood, contribute to depression and illness. To live a prosperous life, one has to want wellness first and foremost.

Money is needed to live a responsibile life. If you are spiritual, yet you act irresponsibily with money, (such as, charging items that you can't afford to pay for right away), then  you are going to run into trouble down the road. There are many things that are considered to be "ok" and acceptable in today's Western society, such as mortgages, home equity loans and now credit card debt is the norm. These things will weigh heavily on your consciousness and will take a toll on your health.

If you really want to rise up a spiritual ladder to a higher consciousness then think about your views on money. If you can't support yourself or the those who are your dependants then you need to take a look at your views on the importance of money in today's world.

Prosperity is an INSIDE job. It requires courage and fortitude. It requires going to the dusty corners in your soul and cleaning out the cobwebs and then doing the same in your outer life and wallet.

email: website: phone/voicemail: 860 656 0203 Debbie Simon Prosperity Coaching Glastonbury, CT 06033

Thursday, September 2, 2010


 Prosperity, in its many different forms, is available to all. If you are ready for it and believe that you can receive more then try these three steps right now, today.

1. Think of something that you want. Write it down.
2. Close your eyes, and spend 10 minutes visualizing it. That means seeing yourself in a scene in which you have it, can see it, can touch it, feel it, hear it and/or be in its presence. If it's an object see yourself in it or using it. If it's something that involves people see yourself interacting with them.
3. Think of the essence of what this will give you and notice what it is that you are searching for and ask this question. "How can I create the essence of what I'm looking for right now?" And write down a few ideas. 

See what happens next.

email: website: 
phone/voicemail: 860 656 0203 
Debbie Simon Prosperity Coaching
Glastonbury, CT 06033

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


People often get nervous when asked to create a vision. It doesn't have to be something far off and impossible. Our visions change with the details of our lives. Experiences in life happen that can throw us off course and we find ourselves in strange circumstances sometimes.  Although those unpleasant circumstances are there to teach us the lessons we need to have, it's still ok to have a vision of where we want to go from here.

If someone is in a bad marriage they have two choices. Only they can decide what their vision is going to be. Either they stay and work at improving the marriage, or they leave. If they decide to leave and the decision feels correct, then their vision becomes a new and different kind of relationship than the one they are in now. The other vision is to see the marriage improving and becoming what they want it to be. Some things are out of their control. It's possible that the relationship they are envisioning could never happen with the person they're with.

Often people will think really small. They will be content with little and give all sorts of excuses for not wanting more. They will toss aside their God given gifts and will selfishly withhold themselves from the world. Being content with very little and with poverty is not spiritual. Expansion isn't just about becoming rich. It's about growing in consciousness and gaining a new perspective on one's life. Once that happens the outer reflects the inner and our present circumstances become too small. That's why, what we were content with a few years back just won't do anymore.

To practice creating your vision, start with one area of your life. You probably want to look at the one area that is bringing you the most conflict. What would your life look like if that conflict was resolved? Where would life take you after that? Practice this often and the picture will gel. Once you have the picture you can begin to work with it and move toward it at a rapid pace.

email: website: phone/voicemail: 860 656 0203 Debbie Simon Prosperity Coaching Glastonbury, CT 06033

Sunday, August 29, 2010


 I often go back to books that I read years ago to see what they have to offer me now. I read Creating Money by Sanaya Roman and Duane Parker in the early 1990s. I've picked it up a few times since but now I'm reading it page by page and am amazed at how timeless the information is. They talk about limitless possibilities and creating a larger picture of what your life can be than you have ever imagined before. I did a little exercise on my own. I realized that my highest goal is spiritual in nature. I imagined reaching the highest spiritual levels that I could imagine. It felt like I was in a wind tunnel. The energy, stamina and strength needed to keep my balance and to stand still while this wind tunnel went around and through me was beyond description.

Are your goals spiritual? All the other goals we have are ways to reach a higher level of consciousness. They can be physical goals, financial or relationship goals. These areas give us the opportunities to become greater spiritual beings. What exactly does the limitless you look like? Take a moment to imagine that.

email: website: phone/voicemail: 860 656 0203 Debbie Simon Prosperity Coaching Glastonbury, CT 06033

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Ok, we are all short on time these days.What's a quick way to shift things from how they are going to a more prosperous viewpoint?

Breathe in more abundance and start to change the energy field around you with your breath. Each breath is a magnetic pull attracting all that you wish for. As you breath in with your eyes closed, see objects, faces or symbols that represent what you are trying to attract.

Each breath out clears the space by releasing the negative toxins. I imagine a broom sweeping out a dusty closet. Clear the closet so it's empty making room for the new to come in.

The breath in, is a magnet for the positive energy.

The breath out is releasing the old, dusty, stale air that you are done with. You're always letting go, it's a never ending process. We have to let go of "what is", in order to see change in our life. Let go of "it" with each sweep of the closet floor, and imagine that you are a magnet for positive change.

email: website: phone/voicemail: 860 656 0203 Debbie Simon Prosperity Coaching Glastonbury, CT 06033

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


There is something that prevents you from receiving. Do you agree? Perhaps you have your receiving quota. It's different for everyone but you want to expand yours so you can receive more. Already, the guilt comes up around the fact that you would like to have more. Does that sound familiar? So what can you do about it? What can you do now? My mission is to help you to receive more prosperity in your life.

First you have to want it. Next you have to open to recieve it and then you have to remove the blocks that prevent you from letting it in.

Prosperity comes in many forms. It comes in disguises. Sometimes it's in the form of money. Sometimes love, friendship, opportunities, change, a new home, a new car, a new direction. If you want more of it, then you have to recognize it when it comes knocking on your door. Everyday, prosperity comes toward you based on what you ask for. You might want to learn about something and a lesson will come that you don't like, but it's really what you asked for.

Be grateful for all that shows up when it shows up. If your having some challenges right now, see it as prosperity knocking. Remove the shield and let it in.

email: website: phone/voicemail: 860 656 0203 Debbie Simon Prosperity Coaching Glastonbury, CT 06033

Monday, August 23, 2010


This blog has been about different things over the years and recently I have not made too many additions to it. I still seem to have a steady flow of readers and I'm sorry that I haven't been writing consistently. I'm going to stay within one topic on this blog. The topic is "Creating Prosperity with Visualization".

I have noticed, since zeroing my work in on "just" prosperity, that people have strong, (and not always positive) reactions to this line of work. Prosperity triggers a lot of emotion in people. We all have issues around money and allowing ourselves to have what we want. The fact is that money is necessary for the basics in life. Money is necessary to have to support ourselves and to support those who truly need our help, like our kids. "A dollar bill", says Louise Haye, is just as spiritual as anything else (I don't remember the exact quote).

I will keep the focus in this blog on just that. Using visualizations to create prosperity. I notice that when I work with people something happens for them right away but then they get scared and they walk away. They abandon that part of themselves that felt entitled to have all that they desire. They convince themselves that they never really wanted it and that they didn't really receive anything in the session or the workshop. It seems to be part of the process.

It takes courage to do this work and to keep going back to basic principles that attract abundance to us. The natural tendency, I have observed time and again, is to talk ourselves out of having what we know we really want.

The hardest part is to not walk away from it. The hardest part is to identify those voices that keep telling us that this doesn't matter. Those voices override the healthier new habits we acquire every time. If we know that going in then we can be prepared when it happens. We can address those voices and say "I know what and who you are. You're the voices from the past that have always held me back. You are the voices that keep telling me that I'm not worthy of having it all. So now that I know who you are, I won't be tricked by you, yet again. I'm going to ignore you and I'm going to keep doing the work that is attracting all this good into my life".

Monday, June 21, 2010


 So often we ask for something and it shows up quickly. But we think it's going to take a long time with a lot of hard work and struggle and we don't recognize that the gift we asked for was immediately given to us.

phone: 860 656 0203
office visits by appointment Glastonbury, CT 06033

Monday, June 14, 2010


 At the beginning I  devoted my work in the 1990s, long before The Secret, to abundance/prosperity principles. People were intrigued. It was a new concept for most and the idea of a Law of Attraction was compelling.

Now these principles are more mainstream. People are more familiar in general with the ideas. Now that I am focusing my practice on one thing, helping people to live prosperous lives, I find that the first response is fear. There's an innate fear around the issue of prosperity.

First you need to define prosperity for yourself so it isn't so frightening. Prosperity can be about money but it is also about better relationships, making necessary changes, surviving a major life transition, a loss (of a loved one, a job or a home for example). Prosperity implies expansion. Expansion means you can't stand in one place anymore. You have to move from where you are standing in your beliefs and your reality. That is terrifying. Change often means letting go of something, and letting go means a loss of something.  Maybe it's an aspect of yourself, an attachment or even a person or a job. The normal response to having something taken away from you is to grab onto it harder and not let go. Whatever or whoever is trying to take that away suddenly becomes the enemy. Loss always ends in gain. Always. Movement always implies progress. Expansion will always make you a better person and you will have more joy, more love in your life and maybe even more money!

email: website:

phone: 860 656 0203 office visits by appointment Glastonbury, CT 06033

Friday, June 11, 2010


We have a thought. That thought creates energy that then attracts what we wanted to us. It makes its journey to us immediately. Then our blockers come up. What are blockers? Counter thoughts. Subconscious thoughts, beliefs that tell us that we don't deserve what we just asked for. Reasons why we really don't want it. Negative thoughts that act as blockers.

Imagine a karate block. Your arm goes up and stops whatever was coming at you. When we wish for something it flows toward us and then we block it. Or it shows up and we ignore it. If something comes easily we rationalize that it was "too easy". There must be a catch. When something is hard and complicated and fraught with tension, like a relationship or a job, it is familiar so we think it is meant to be when the opposite is true. That which is easy is meant to be.

It's important to know what those counter thoughts are so we can hear them when they come up and we can recognize them when they walk into the room. Stuffing them down, yelling at them, ignoring them and judging them isn't going to work. Recognize them for what they are. They are just thoughts! We learned them from our past and we don't have to keep thinking them. The more we become aware of our negative beliefs the more conscious we become of everyone else's.

That's why if you ask for opinions and thoughts from others...that is what you will get. Their negative beliefs! Negative belief systems give us choices. We can choose to follow them blindly or we can change our direction. That is the conscious part of creating our own reality.

Many of us have grown up with a belief system around aging. We believe certain things will happen with age because of what we've seen, read and heard. Why not challenge that by changing your behavior now? We know that certain actions, like eating organically, exercising and reducing stress will not only slow down the aging process but will give us many more years of good health as we age. It's merely a change in the way we think. If we keep holding a picture of ourselves as "old", then we will continue to move in that direction. Instead, hold a picture of yourself as "healthy" and see what changes start to occur.
860 656 0203

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Are you a giver? Does a lot of your energy go out? It's wonderful to be thoughtful, giving and loving but enabling is something to be aware of. Enabling drains us and prevents the other person from growing at their pace in their own way. Giving endlessly to people who don't really want your help is not helping either person. Giving to those who are afraid to do for themselves is enabling.

Givers often have trouble receiving. When I talk to people about prosperity they clearly want it but they are also conflicted. There is a general belief that says "I can't have", or that receiving is bad. They are blocking the flow "in". Thoughts come up like "it's wrong for me to receive this" and whatever was about to come their way is deflected.

Take time out everyday to practice receiving. A positive flow in, can come in the form of money, love or energy. There are many imaginary techniques that can help us to learn to receive. Imagine whatever you would like, but a daily mental exercise will improve your ability to receive. Notice the little changes that start to happen. Look for new connections, unexpected business, gifts, experiences, etc. Make the connection between what you are practicing and what starts to happen in your world when you do.

How can you ever realize your dreams if you are uncomfortable receiving? Manifesting is all about receiving even if what you are manifesting will allow you to give to others in the end.

Giving yourself your dream and believing in your ability to achieve that is your gift to yourself. You deserve it! We all deserve to receive.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I was going to write about people who multitask and how difficult it is to be in their presence, until I realized that I am one of them. I know someone who cannot live without her headset and as we are talking she will respond to calls from her cell phone. She never stops doing. It's hard to be with her because she is handling about 3 things at once all the time.

Then I realized that I had some serious multitasking issues as well and whenever I point the finger it's time to look in the mirror!

The main point I wanted to make is that multitasking really isn't efficient at all. It takes us back to our "to do" list and away from what is really important in life. When I find that things are starting to get out of control I stop. I stop and I go into a contemplation. Or I write a letter stating how overwhelmed I feel and I let it pour out until I've gotten to the root. Then I refocus and I remember what is the most important thing for me to do that day, because there is always one thing that reflects an area of my life that I want to develop or improve. When I "remember" I know what I need to do next, and the less important things can be put aside.

But when we are with each other, in the presence of our friends or even a stranger, we need to be present so that we can listen.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Reaching a level of spiritual contentment requires that we surrender to the events of our everyday life while feeling grateful for the gifts of all of our experiences. All the human emotions are equally important and denying the ones that we consider to be negative is not healthy.

Having unpleasant experiences in life makes us stronger spiritually. In each lifetime we become more evolved. The purpose of spiritual enlightenment is simply to become a better coworker with God.

Once we see beyond the small world of our physical body we can expand our thinking and awareness of all the planes of existence and all of the universes that are available to us to travel to. This lifetime and this world are so small in comparison to the greater picture

Sunday, April 18, 2010


The dictionary definition of Metamorphosis is:

1. Biology
a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly.Compare complete metamorphosis.

a complete change of form, structure, or substance, as transformation by magic or witchcraft.
any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, etc.
a form resulting from any such change.

end dictionary definition.

The process that we go through can be as difficult and complex as the development of the fetus and the birth process itself.

Observe successful people. They often don't have any more talent for the thing they are doing than those in the same area who don't succeed. In fact, sometimes they have less.

What they do have is a strong
desire to create their vision, goal or desire.They approach it like a science and they all follow these steps:

  1. they work methodically and steadily on a daily basis no matter what.
  2. they develop their craft from the smallest beginnings to the most advanced levels no matter how boring or mundane it may become.
  3. they accept that frustration and disappointment are part of the process and they are not sidetracked by the rolling rocks that fall in the way
  4. they never lose site of the finished product
That is why it is so important to pick something that you really want and can feel this motivated about. If you apply these steps to any one of your desires you will fully complete the cycle of metamorphosis.

It's so rare to find something that you can feel this passionate about, but when you do, don't throw it away midstream.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Why do we feel that we need others to tell us that it is all right for us to do something good for ourselves? Why do we then feel guilty when we do it? Why does it take a cancer diagnosis for people to realize their value and to start treating themselves the way that they needed to always treat themselves? Why do we feel justified in denying ourselves? What's so great about deprivation? The good life is offered to each and everyone of us but we often refuse it as though it shows our strength or discipline to do without. As though having less makes us more worthy spiritually and it doesn't.

As your sense of self worth increases so do your surroundings.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


We have a choice, focus on something that is good and positive or focus on the opposite. There are two scenarios. There's victim mode where we start to picture the worst case scenario. A little twinge in our body can make us feel like we're going to end up with a deadly disease, or it can be construed differently. When a little nudge tells you that something isn't right respond with self care.

Then there is the second scenario. This scenario is a visualization of the best possible future. Instead of seeing catastrophies, envision the outcomes that you want. Instead of focusing on what you are unhappy about, put your attention on something that makes you happy.

Keep your attention on self care. That includes what kinds of food you eat, what you choose to do with your time, preventing overwork, cutting back on commitments and reducing all that you do for others. Lighten your load. Get enough rest and most of all, set limits with others. The more you've been doing for others the more they will expect from you. The demands become greater and greater. Codependence doesn't allow others to learn their own lessons.

Create a vision that gives you a deep, warm feeling of contentment and happiness. Write it down, keep it simple and revise it daily. Notice how it begins to manifest in small ways.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Visualization to Get Balanced

These days it seems that everyone is struggling to get back on track. We hear hard luck stories on the news or live those stories ourselves. It's hard to stay balanced right now.
In my ebook I teach how to do get into a state of relaxation in order to move into a visualization. I also teach "inner child" work through a story. You might want to check it out at

Loss of balance occurs when we aren't centered. Seems obvious but it can be subtle before we know that we are out of balance. Our bodies don't feel right, we aren't "ourselves".

For a quick technique to gain some balance begin by breathing deeply from head to toe a few times, either standing or sitting. Imagine that you are a glass and you're filling the glass with water. The water starts at your toes and fills your body with a warm glow.

If you're standing, close your eyes and lightly test your balance on each foot and then find your center. Pressing your hands into prayer position and holding them at the heart center can help with your balance. Now imagine a light rod going down through the top of your head and straigth through your body, perfectly centered. The rod shoots into the ground and holds you steady. You can't be pushed over. You can't be thrown off course. Practice this simple technique to regain your focus and to feel balanced. If you want to do it sitting down, close your eyes and picture yourself in that pose.

Become aware of your early warning signs. Catch these symptoms early so that you can respond to what your body needs. Becoming too tired, or too hungry or too deprived creates distress in your body, mind and soul. Distress leads to disease. Before your health is compromised, notice what is going on inside of you and any warning signs that you might get in your dreams as well or during contemplation/meditation.
Imagine two things. One is that the roots from the earth are coming up through the soles of your feet holding you steady on the earth. The other is that a heavenly energy is coming from above and through the top of your head. Keep practicing this while continually working on your alignment. Notice whether your abdomen is forced forward by a curved spine and then straighten it out. Make sure your weight is in the center of both feet and that you have your balance. If someone were to push you over, could they?

When you're ready place one or both hands onto your heart center which is in the middle of the chest. This is to find serenity and renew your inner connection. You will now be able to listen to your inner guidance. 1. Get centered 2. Get balanced 3. align your posture 4. visualize roots from the ground and an energy of healing and love coming through the top of your head.

Ask the question "what do I need to do next to become more balanced and prosperous?" Listen for the answer and when it comes, write it down.

Monday, February 1, 2010


I'm not a financial analyst and I can't help you with dealing with any financial fall out that you've experienced over the last two years. Some people have desperately turned to abundance principles to try and turn their lives around quickly. My take on this is that the problem goes much deeper on an individual basis. The scams seem to be getting worse rather than better. In some of the advertisements those in debt are being told that they can just forget their debts and start over as if it never happened. No one wants to give anything up in order to restore balance to their lives.

How can visualization and the abundance principles help us now? We can't gloss over the wound by covering it up with a band aide. The wounds are inside of us. The debts have been created by each of us because we believed that it was ok to buy our dreams in advance and pay for them later. That's what the media told us, that's what the credit card companies told us, but how we will reverse the damage is a very personal decision. Self responsibility requires that we admit when we have made a mistake and move on. Sometimes it requires selling a home or living without a car. It seems like everyone is learning how to cut back and live a no frills life. Some businesses are responding by lowering their prices.

This can be an opportunity for spiritual growth. Instead of looking to our bank accounts for healing we need to look within. Seeing the truth about ourselves is usually not attractive. There is always a darkness that has to be reckoned with. That hole and the vacuum were created from past wounds. We keep trying to fill them up with stuff. Think of the times in your life when you were happiest. Was it because of the money in the bank or something else? Did those times involve other people? Focus on one event that stands out from all the positive events in your life. Hold it out and look at it carefully. What were the components that made you happy? I am guessing that some hard work and steps were involved, There were other people sharing the joy. There was growth and even some pain perhaps. Take the time to write it down and really look at what it was that made you happy and successful. Then try to apply it to your life today knowing what you know now that you didn't know then.

Monday, December 28, 2009


I am in the process of leaving a home I love very much. Selling my home was an unexpected event. Those curve balls do come in life just when we think we are in control we are reminded in a very blunt way, that we are not.

I remember the first night that I slept in this condo in August of 1998. My sons were 8 and 10 years old. I remember that night because I was thinking I had made a big mistake. I felt so out of place in what later would become my most cherished home). It was the first home that I bought without a spouse. I did it all on my own. I got an excellent price but the place needed a lot of work. For one thing, there were no lights installed and the only way to get light at night was to get some lamps. I didn't have enough lamps at first and the kitchen was a disaster. The elderly woman that sold the apartment to me had the original kitchen from 1957!

Little by little over the next 11 years, I fixed up rooms and sections of rooms. The apt went through many transformations as I went through mine. My boys grew up, they needed their own rooms and I found a way to create 3 bedrooms in my 2 bedroom apartment. My son became an excellent pianist and so there had to be a place for his grand piano.

The place became cozier and cozier. Ceiling fixtures were installed. Bathroom changes were made. The kitchen was renovated. I put love into every action that I took toward making my apartment a home for me and my sons.

Then one went to college and the other one moved out and before I knew it, my home was on the market, freshly painted and all those last minute touches that I had put off for so long, were completed. In fact, by the time I put it on the market, it didn't look like our home at all anymore. Instead it was a magazine version of someone else's life. Not mine.

After selling (in 3 weeks), in this market at a price that was better than ok, the days have dragged on until the closing. 3 months have passed. My apartment becomes emptier and emptier. Boxes are in storage, clothes, games, CDs and even some furniture have been given away. The floors are now bare.

I am moving into a temporary arrangement and most of my life is going into storage until the new chapter takes form. That could take months or it could take years. In the meantime, a friend of mine, exactly my age, also a single mother, was hit by a truck while riding her bike and died. I found out by googling her name. She hadn't returned my emails for months and that had never happened before in our 15 year friendship. A death like that reminds us that life is so precious and short. That a friend we thought we would see every Christmas (when she would visit NYC), could suddenly not be there anymore, leaving behind her daughter with whom she was so close. I knew what her dreams were. I knew what her plans were. I knew what her issues were. Had she known that it was going to end now, this way, I wonder what she would have done differently. I wish I could ask her that now.

So the point of all of this is, that as I wonder about the petty little how am I going to cook in this temporary situation, or do the laundry and how am I going to even survive moving from my own home to a room in someone else's, I am reminded that someone once told me that "you are the lucky one, you get to take yourself with you". Those who are not in my life anymore don't get to have me in their life, but I do.

I breathed my love and my life into my home, my job and the upbringing of my children. Was it enough? I don't know, but I put every ounce of love that I had into all that I did. Even that, for some, is not enough. Now it's time to breathe that same love and life into myself. Does that sound selfish? Others have benefitted from what I haven't given to myself. To grow spiritually and to become a better person I have to now be that for myself.

ps. this is where I was led when I googled my friend

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The process of visualization takes you directly to the inner worlds. Beyond our physical life there are other planes of existence. Inner guides are available to lead us through these worlds and should be chosen carefully. A true guide will always act from the highest place and will always have your best interest at heart. Inner worlds are pathways to a higher consciousness. Why would we want to have a higher consciousness?

Viewing our life events from a different perspective, becoming more objective and less self centered is part of the process of growing spiritually. Being aware of those around us and having mutual respect even for those that you don't know, are some of the steps of spiritual maturity. Viewing every single person that we encounter as a valuable addition to the world is essential, because they are.

Many use visualizations to create. Being creative is a great thing. It is the essence of who we are and is one way we that can express ourselves. Sometimes we go after goals that in the end, don't make us happy at all.

People are looking for human connection. If you build an empire but can't relate to others and don't have meaningful relationships then your empire is a sham. Using visualization for the highest purposes and for the good of all without robbing another person of their experience is the best use of visualization. We need to focus on our own growth in visualizations and not to create a life for someone else that we want them to have. That might not be what they need or want for themselves.

Knowing when to let go is an essential ingredient for our own freedom. We can use visualizations and inner worlds to release the past, forgive, and move on. Anything that has been destroyed in life can always be rebuilt.

Friday, September 18, 2009


There are times in life when we get all these signs that we need to let go of something or someone. Events occur and we know what the message is but we don't listen to it. Then there is a window of opportunity to let go and we let the opportunity pass us by. Then years later we look back with regrets.

People will do anything to hold onto what is. About 95% of the people I encounter in my work and in my personal life do this. The universe is just waiting to give them something bigger and better but they hold on for dear life to what they have for two reasons. 1. They are afraid of what might happen if they give it up and 2. They want to keep everything the same.

Holding on keeps us stuck. We may not like the messages we are getting but we have to listen or else we will pay dearly for not listening. An example is that many people in NYC hold onto their rent control apartments. They live in a substandard building tolerating many unpleasant things and their apartment is usually substandard as well but "it only costs me ____/month. I can't let it go!". They accumulate money and they could invest in real estate at the right time and move into a bigger space with more amenities and what do they say? "I don't need a nicer place and those silly amenities". Boom, the opportunity has just slipped by. A few years later the building falls apart some more or the landlord does this and that to make their life unpleasant so they will leave. They look back and say "all these years I could have lived in that great place I looked at and now it is worth double what I would have paid for it"

This is just a metaphor for so many other examples. Jobs that get stale but have the trappings of "great" benefits. A relationship that is so disconnected that you are basically two people living under the same roof with separate lives, and on and on the examples go.

The next time the window cracks open and you get a whiff of that fresh air, lift the window all the way up and step through it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I used to read prosperity books by Helen Ponder, Sanaya Roman, Shakti Gawain and titles like The Science of Getting Rich and The Tiger's Fang.

I think we are entering a new generation of prosperity work now. The world's needs have changed dramatically and people who have made spirituality a priority in their lives are looking for ways they can serve. Prosperity and service go hand in hand.

Some people give for the wrong reasons. They give because of what they hope they will get back. They give because of beliefs about what will happen to them when they die if they do a lot of good deeds in this life.

Giving needs to come from the right place. The heart. When we are moved to give or help another person, animal or plant, we experience an opening of the heart and love flows freely. When we are asked to do things that we don't want to do and we do it anyway, the chest tightens and we grin and bare it. That kind of giving often backfires. Giving for the wrong reasons or because of a desire to benefit in some way, is not the kind of service that is going to make you feel good.

Service and prosperity go hand in hand and are interdependant. You will know when you are giving for the right reasons by the way it feels in your heart. Concern, gestures of kindness and encouragement are often enough. The greatest gift you can give others is to listen. So often we stumble past someone who really needs to be heard. Not only friends and family but people who are asking for our assistance. Learn to listen with open ears and an open heart. Not foolishly so that you are misguided but trust your instincts about others.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Since the title of my blog for years now has been "visualize a prosperous future" you might be wondering "well where is that prosperity now???". We are all having these lessons together. Things are being taken away from us. Why? Our 401k's and home values have dropped. I had Lehman stocks and when they observed the one year mark of Lehman's collapse, I remembered how devastated I was to lose those stocks all together a year ago. Then I had more financial devastation than I could ever imagine after that. Each hit was trumped by a bigger hit.

I have a different definition of prosperity than looking at my networth. I have abundance in my life. I think we are having these experiences now because we've lost sight (as a nation and globally) of how much we really do have and how filled our lives are with "stuff". I walked around a mall the other day and I was noticing young teenagers being pulled in by the newest technological toy. A young female about 15 was with her parents and they decided to splurge and buy her some sort of new phone or ipod. They were all hugging and she loved her parents for that moment. Parents want to express their love and it often is given in the form of material gifts. Those gifts are quickly forgotten and tossed aside. Then the bills have to be paid for items that were unnecessary in the first place.

Until we can widdle down our lives to the most basic of needs and show that we can live on what we have rather than on what we dream of having, we will not regain our financial balance. This is a spiritual concept, not an economic one. Spiritually we are being forced to give up the excesses. Until we do, we are going to keep losing what we've got.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


September is here and the months ahead will race by and before you know it, it will be the holidays. Visualizations help us to gain some control of how our time is spent and to create our destiny. There are so many factors that we can't control in life and there is always the unknown, but the thoughts we have are the seeds to outcomes.

Think about the next three months, September, October and November. Picture the activities that you want to enjoy, the people that you want to see and most of all, what do you want to come into your life? Try to use pictures rather than words. The words come after the pictures. Previously I wrote "write it down" but first you have to create a picture in order to do that. Then when you write, you describe what you have seen or maybe you want to draw it instead or use magazine photos to express your dreams. Regardless of what works best for you, the beginning stage is the thought. The thought leads to ideas and ideas lead to pictures. You can reject the ones you don't want.

Don't feel that writing it down commits you to anything. It is a way of "trying on" a lifestyle for yourself and to then see how it feels to be in it.

What do you feel is missing from your life now and what can you do over the next 3 months to change that? See the answers with visual pictures.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Once ideas, pictures, visualizations and stories are written down their manifestation can be expedited. Try turning your desired life into a story as if you were talking about someone else. Provide as many details as possible and be sure that you are happy with what you have created. If not, keep editting it until you are. This can be long or short. You might sit with it for awhile and realize that, that story really isn't what you want your life to be at all. You can learn a lot from this process. If you make this too complicated you won't follow up with it, so try to keep it simple but detailed. Add to it, subtract and rewrite every few days and then check back now and then to see how your life has changed. I wrote an ebook 3 years ago without thinking that I was writing about my own life. Now three years later that story in the book is manifesting for me. It can take a long time for things to align themselves so that you are ready for what you're asking for.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


The hardest people to deal with in life are those who lack integrity. Maybe you or I have even done that a few times unintentionally. It's hard to climb the slippery slope of doing the right thing and being the kind of person we want to and hope to become. Those who act without integrity would justify their actions and say it isn't so. How do we know that we haven't done that ourselves at some point? We love to justify our actions while believing the other person is "bad". There are definitely people who do malicious things and hurt people all the time. They may never change and we can't control their actions, only our own.

When someone tries to bring you down because they think that somehow you owe them something and they do it in the most devious ways imaginable it is hard to know what to do to respond. Do we hold them accountable? Can we? If someone continuously acts irresponsibly can we teach them anything? I don't think so. They have to learn from their own experiences. How many times will they be knocked on their heads before they get the lesson? No one can say.

Sometimes the most goodhearted people get taken advantage of because of their kindness and their willingness to trust. It that happens enough to us our hearts close and we learn to protect ourselves better but at a high price. You might be on the losing end, but if you have done nothing wrong then you haven't really lost. The "winner" in this scenario has a long way to go on their growth journey.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


As we work on ourselves and change our beliefs and thoughts and approaches to problems the outside starts to change to reflect our inner growth. For example, if you were presented 15 years ago with the challenges that you have today, how do you think you would have approached them then? If you had the problems today that you really had 15 years ago do you think that you would find better ways to problem solve?

The other day a friend and I parked in a beach parking lot. We were lucky to find a space right near the tunnel that led to the beach. When it was time to leave we followed the crowd through the tunnel and were faced with hundreds of parked cars. We both remembered the parking scenario differently. Either way, my car wasn't there. I kept looking at certain markers that didn't make sense. She was sure we had parked on the other side of the lot which was a long walk away. That, I was sure wasn't true. She was sure that I was wrong. We wandered for about an hour. Every other car was the same color and make as mine.

Finally we both seemed to come to the same conclusion at the same moment. What if there were more than one tunnel? Maybe this wasn't even the right parking lot! I looked around and it seemed like the entrance at both sides of the lot were identical. I was really worried, thinking maybe there were a number of lots that looked the same.

We left through the tunnel we had just come through and realized there was another one on the other side. As soon as we went through that tunnel, my car was right there. When I gave up the belief that I was right and was sure that she was wrong, the truth came to light. We were both wrong.

Life often presents challenges like this one. The tunnels and the lots were mirror images of each other. There was a clue that I kept ignoring. There was a stadium far in the distance that had actually been right in the parking lot where we parked. I kept thinking "why is it over there?". My mind wouldn't be logical because I was convinced that there was only one parking lot and one tunnel. It was unacceptable to receive the information that the stadium was no longer where it had been. This might seem really odd to you, but how often do we all do this? Months after the fact we look back and wonder why we didn't see something that was right in front of our noses. We are stubborn creatures by nature and we really like to be right and we never like to be wrong. Right and wrong are subjective and then there is always Truth.

Learn more at
Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist and Visual Guide

Sunday, August 16, 2009


In these hard times everyone is looking for a way to turn things around for themselves. Many of us today have already learned about the principals that were presented in The Secret and we understand the Law of Attraction. I think we are not only trying to get our "checks in balance " (so to speak) but we are seeking something much greater and more important than money. Contentment is the most important place to arrive in life and it is a constant struggle to get to it and also to maintain it. You might have a fleeting moment where all is right with the world and months later you find yourself in a darker place. We walk in and out of rooms with different shades of light. Our happiness, we realize, has nothing to do with our external reality. It's something that comes from a place within and when we feel it or find it, suddenly we start to attract the good stuff so we feel even happier.

We have been going through some tough times lately and many of us try to make sense of it all. We can only be responsible for ourselves and digging ourselves out of whatever holes we have created. There's nothing wrong with reaching for the help of others as we dig ourselves out but it is our responsibility to turn our lives around and only we can do that. Wouldn't it be nice to hand the shovel to someone else and say, "I'll take a rest and you dig", and then sit back while they do all the work? If that were the case, we wouldn't learn the lessons we were meant to learn. It's like paying someone to take a test for you (and that is not as uncommon as you might think).

People can only get away with such things up to a point and then it starts to catch up with them. At some point we all have to pay the piper. The upside of this is that we begin to realize just how much control we do have over what we can achieve and what we can do to prevent our own ruin. There is always a destructive force that is working it's way into our hearts and we have to be strong and fight it every minute of everyday. We have to turn ourselves toward the light and make right choices as often as we can. Results come from right action. Prosperity comes when we clean up our act and make room for all the good that wants to come into our lives. Prosperity is merely a shift in consciousness.

Learn more at
Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist and Visualization Expert

Saturday, August 15, 2009


We can't really have inner peace without clarity and we can't gain clarity without coming from a peaceful place within ourselves. Some people are unable to create the time to sit in contemplation or to reflect on their lives and on their own behavior in situations. They live in a flurry of activity and create chaos and drama everywhere they go. Clarity comes from a process of going within and then taking actions toward the ideas that come to us during these periods of reflection. If we are unable to be quiet and still and look for our center and listen to our inner guidance, then we will never have peace or clarity.

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Monday, July 13, 2009


Be patient. We cannot receive what we aren't ready to receive even though it's waiting for us. It will come around again when we're ready. Some things are manifested years after thought because we weren't able to handle it at the time

Learn more at
Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist and Visual Guide

Sunday, July 12, 2009


How Does Visualization Work?

Visualization goes beyond imagination. That is a hard concept for some to grasp. Suppose for a moment that we knew for a fact that when we "imagine" an inner healing center, we aren't just imagining it but we are actually visiting a place that exists on another plane of existence.

Imagine that some of the dreams that you have when you sleep are real. Perhaps you had a conversation with a friend in a dream, and the content was fuzzy but the location was clear. Lets suppose for now, that that conversation had really occurred on some level other than "here". What if your friend then told you that they had spoken with you in a dream and as you put the pieces together you found out that your dreams matched.

If certain places or themes keep showing up in your dreams, what do you think they are telling you? You might be the best interpreter of your own dreams. I have a recurring dream that I am riding a bicycle throughout the city and have forgotten to bring a lock. I arrive at places where I need to bring my bike inside so it won't be stolen. My interpretation of this is that I am being warned of leaving myself wide open and vulnerable. The dream crops up every now and then. Sometimes years will pass between the dreams but they come back when they are relevant to certain events that are going on right now.

If you continue with these concepts and take them a step further, think of how you could apply this to your own life in order to create a life that is better, more successful and more fulfilling. There is so much inner help available to us that we don't access. We hear stories of help coming at just the right moment and miraculous occurrences but unless you experience that first hand, you might continue to be skeptical. It doesn't matter if you believe any of this but it would be useful to proceed as though it were all true.

The inner guidance that we all have access to is a pot of gold. If you sit or lie still and ask for an answer to a question such as "what doctor should I go to for this medical problem?" Or "how do I deal with this issue my child is having?" Or, "how will I know when I find the home that I will like and be happy in and where is it?"

These are everyday, ordinary questions that all of us have in some form. Imagine now that you ask a question and then close your eyes and wait. Don't create the answer yourself but allow yourself to be led to it. Become familiar with your body's responses to correct answers. You have a "yes" and a "no" inside of you. We feel them in different ways. Sometimes it's impossible to describe but we know what a "gut feeling is" and how it feels in our bodies. After answers come or suggestions are made to check something out or ask a particular person for help, the rest is up to you. Nothing gets handed to us without at least some foot work on our part. We can look back at various outcomes in our life and say "I was led to that place or person or job".

Follow your intuition and inner guidance in order to go in the right direction. Going in the right direction is more satisfying than getting to the destination. One example is wondering what foods you can and cannot eat. This changes over our lifetime. The way you ate 10 years ago doesn't work for you anymore and you might want to know how you should be eating now. Listen inwardly and also integrate all of the information that you are getting outside. These two things combined will give you your answers. You might not follow them all the time, but you will probably make some improvements that will help your health and vitality.

Pictures are being shown to us all the time. Become more aware of them when they appear. Visualizations are the gifts from the inner worlds helping us to bring them out here into the open. Many buildings and paintings were created based on an image that was seen by the person unconsciously.

We want to make the unconscious, conscious. We want to become conscious beings instead of hiding from the truth. That takes a lot of courage. It means always walking against or ahead of the pack. It means not being a blind follower or taking everything at face value. It requires analyzing the facts and making decisions on your own, not the kinds of decisions everyone makes because everyone makes them. Being your own person is one of the hardest ways to exist in this world. Caring how others react to your ideas will slow you down. You have to know what's right for you and no one else can tell you without polluting their advice with their own perspectives on life.

You have a private world between the outer you and the inner you. No one else can go there. Use these techniques for good. Use them to help yourself and not to change the course of another person's life. Use them to get the answers to your problems. You will feel less despair and you won't ever get lost.

Learn more at
Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Remember. No matter what is going on in your outer life you always have control over how you react to it. You can always choose to be happy in spite of everything. Make more healthy decisions each day and your life will continue to improve.

Learn more at
Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist and Visual Guide

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Sometimes there is a time lag between our vision and its manifestation. In fact, there is often a long time lag. We each move forward at our own pace. Some people are able to know their passion or goal immediately and carry out all the necessary steps right away in order to get there. They are focused, determined and won't allow any distractions or human conditions to get in the way. They aren't always the healthiest people either.

Lucky for those who can easily manifest and in some areas we are better than others, but there are also those things that come up in life that side track us and make us fall back a few yards. Injuries, family emergencies, important events of loved ones, etc. These are the things that force us to set down our goals and focus on something or someone else. Injuries make us stop right away unless we ignore them (in which case they will only get worse). They are telling us that we need to rest and have pushed ourselves to the point of injuring our bodies, or that we are rushing and over committed and therefore fall or trip. Illness also makes our whole world stop and our focus changes. If our illness creates pain then all we can think of is getting rid of it.

Life doesn't let us walk in straight lines, although I've known a few people who must always stay on track at the expense of everything else. They are the most rigid people of all and are often the most physically, mentally and spiritually unhealthy, too. They might appear to be outwardly successful but they aren't balanced. They tend to be lonely because people and relationships weren't a priority in their lives.

Life is a fluid process. Success isn't defined by reaching the goal. Success is finding joy and balance in the everyday process toward the goals. It's finding joy and happiness even when things are rotten and we can't move in the direction that we wanted. We need to redefine success and then we will all realize that we are quite successful at living life.

Learn more at
Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist and Visual Guide

Monday, June 29, 2009


When we offer ourselves as vehicles for the energy of "Spirit" to pass through us the flow and force can be so intense and powerful at times that anything is possible.

If more and more people were to do this and make a serious commitment to it allowing for purification/cleansing/the removal of toxins from their life and body, then anything in this world is possible.

Choosing the spiritual way for living is not the easy choice. Purification is often painful and unpleasant ... so is going to the dentist. If we understand why we're doing what we're doing and why what is happening is happening then it is a little easier to tolerate.

Learn more at
Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist and Visual Guide

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Thursday, June 18, 2009


I read something the other day about the "endless supply of abundance". It's kind of an irony. Abundance exists in abundance. It's true. It isn't just there for some and not others. It isn't there in a limited supply that is going to run out when some "take" it. Abundance is available if we can allow it in. It's merely a shift in perspecitive. In 2 seconds your perspective can change from one of lack to one of gain and prosperity. If you can see how prosperous your life is at this moment just as it is, you will then attract even more abundance into it.

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Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist and Visual Guide

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Ultimately the search for abundance is really about finding spiritual abundance. Spiritual abundance supersedes all other forms of abundance. Spirit by nature is an abundant source available to every living creature. It goes hand in hand with prosperity. Material wealth is one form of acquiring abundance. There are so many more ways to experience life if money is not a big motivator in your life. Being open to new experiences is a step toward a fuller life. The next time you catch yourself saying "no thanks", think about what life would be like if you always said yes to opportunities and invitations. We stop ourselves and we cheat ourselves of having the richest possible life out of fear of the unknown. Moving in the direction of our dreams is the fulfillment, not the dream itself. Stagnation is the beginning of the end and the start of disease.

Spirit is the highest level of consciousness available to us. Call It God, the King, whatever you want, but spirit is energy and a force greater than anything that we can envision. Spiritual abundance is a multitude of experiences that lead us to a greater awareness about life, truth and ourselves.

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Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist and Visual Guide

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009


an article I wrote on

Visualize to Manifest
By []Debbie Simon

Visualization and guided imagery are very powerful tools that can change the patterns we're stuck in.

Visualizations use metaphors that translate into what we're trying to create. For instance, if you're feeling isolated and disconnected from the people you're close with you can imagine a simple metaphor like hundreds of strings coming out of the center of your chest (this is the heart center). The strings then attach you to the people that you are feeling distant from. You can even imagine those strings reaching toward people you don't know yet but would like to meet. The picture of you being connected to others by these strings is a metaphor. You might be surprised at how fast an image like this will work in your outer life. You can find a metaphor that works for you around a particular topic and then practice it often. When it starts to manifest you can try a different one or keep using it. When the images or scenarios that you imagine start to take on a life of their own, let them flow in the direction they're going in. These images are trying to show you something. Allow yourself to be led. If you don't like where it's going then stop it and recreate a different image. Notice what you feel when you do these visualizations.

Guided imagery usually involves a 3rd party. A trained professional talks the client through a scene or a story that has a series of steps. The purpose is to help the client heal around a particular issue or to decrease anxiety. Some clients don't want to be guided too much. If there is too much detail their own creative ability doesn't have a chance to express itself. The inner guidance that needs to come through has no room if the practitioner keeps talking and giving minute details. The practitioners needs only to lay the groundwork and then the participant will fill in the details.

We are connected by energy to others and to experiences. We can live on a separate continent from a person and still be connected. We can be estranged from or divorced from a person and still be very much connected inwardly. Distance knows no boundaries. Visualizations make us more aware of the connection that already exists.

Think of your own metaphors for what you're trying to create and put them into practice.

Debbie Simon, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, NY State Licensed Psychotherapist and Life Coach. Specializing in visualization/manifestation; 20 years experience; seasoned, skilled and intuitive.

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Monday, June 8, 2009


People tell me that the blogs that I write that they like the best offer a visualization. With that in mind, I will try to stay with visualizations that enhance prosperity. Whatever prosperity means to you; you can have it and visualizations will help you get there.

I like to keep visualizations general and focused on a theme instead of specific images of what you want. I believe that anyone who goes through at least five sessions with me will notice major positive changes in their lives. The key to a powerful visualization is where you plug in. What is the vibration that you are plugging into? Are you able to do this yourself or can you benefit from a facilitator?

If you can imagine the highest possible energy in the universe, that is the place to begin. Just practice plugging into what you imagine to be the highest vibration possible. Do this for 7 days in a row and see what happens.

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Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist and Visual Guide

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Thursday, May 7, 2009


I can't really speak for others but generally when I write I think about what people want to hear versus what I want to say. The two have nothing in common. I think that readers want to know how to reverse the current down trend for themselves. If they are feeling impoverished, they want to feel prosperous instead. The problem is not a shortage of techniques to use to change your current state, but sometimes we have to go through something in order to grow and get the lesson. Herein the conflict lies.

If a group of people get together and practice a prosperity visualization, I am certain that they will all experience some immediate increase in their life. If you don't believe that, try it out with 3 other people. Receiving more is wonderful and I'm all for it. But if the lesson is missed, if the point is not gotten, then you are only putting a band aid on the real problem. Focus on expansion and prosperity and do it in a group, and increase will come.

Here's an analogy for what we are going through today. A person is on a diet and beginning to lose weight and eat healthy. Then they go on a vacation and throw caution to the wind. They want to indulge because when else will they get the chance to try such interesting foods? After 7 days their clothes are tight, they return home and feel awful. This is what most people call a vacation.

They try to get back into the pattern they were following before the trip, but they can't. They beat themselves up for falling off the wagon and start eating out of anger at themselves. Another 5 pounds is gained. Eventually, maybe...they get back into the groove and are back on track after many months and they now have more weight to lose than before the first diet started.

Dieting is always a good analogy for money concerns.

As we all beg and bargain with God to return our abundant state of being, maybe we need to stay in this experience and figure out why we are having it. Some permanent changes are needed in our thinking and our behavior. Our excuses need to disappear. We need to gain a sense of responsibility for the suffering of others. When people start to come out of their cocoons and look to the people to the left and those to the right of them (and I don't mean politically) things will start to improve. A lack of concern for others is much worse than the swine flu.

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Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist and Visual Guide

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. The joy isn't in finishing the puzzle, it's in finding which pieces fit together and watching the picture emerge

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Imagine a bucket of dirty water is being emptied out. That is what we are doing now in this financial crisis, emptying our buckets. Then the water runs freely and place the bucket under the faucet and fill it up with clear, clean water. That's the process of purification.

Notice any changes as you practice this.

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Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist and Visual Guide

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009


In today's economic crisis we need to ask ourselves the question "what is true prosperity?". I know that half the readers just stopped reading. Those who have stayed are not looking for the quick fix and the get rich now and the dream your biggest dream ever schemes. I have had my share of those, too. This is for those who seek spiritual truth, not material enormity.

There is so much available to us spiritually. It's there for the taking and only a small percentage of people are open to that or seek that. "Spirituality" means a variety of things to people but whatever it means to you - that is the correct definition. That's the problem. We try to define another person's spirituality. Spiritual Freedom is allowing others to believe whatever they want to believe.

How many children are raised in homes where they don't agree with their parent's belief, or the opposite, they don't question those beliefs and just follow along without ever asking themselves "What is my truth? What do I believe?". My two sons have both gone 360 degrees away from my beliefs, but I would never force them to follow a path that doesn't resonate with them. My path is not their path. I've always given them that kind of space. This has allowed them to become themselves rather than who I would want them to be. As long as they have faith and a belief in God or some concept of what that means, I'm happy. As long as they treat others with respect and also practice self love and self care, I'm happy.

Life doles out many problems and difficulties. Faith provides the answers for why these things happen. When your Faith stops doing that, it's time to look elsewhere. There are paths that provide the answers. There are principals to live by and not only feel good about ourselves and our contributions to life, but also get along with those who have different beliefs.

The truth about prosperity is that Truth IS Prosperity

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Debbie Simon is a NY State Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist and Visual Guide

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About Debbie Simon

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Avon, CT, United States
I am a seasoned psychotherapist who has been on a spiritual journey. I believe in the intersection of spirituality and psychotherapy. The field of psychotherapy is rapidly changing and I am part of this change. The old traditional ways don't work anymore. I also do health coaching and have worked for programs at AETNA and ABILTO as a coach.